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Important Notes & Forms

Dates to Remember

July 1 - Taxes are assessed to the owner of record based on July 1 for real and personal property.

July 1 to September 1 - WV Farm Use Applications filing dates.

September 1 - Business Personal Property Returns filing deadline.

October 1 - Personal Property Assessment Forms filing deadline.

October - Board of Assessment Appeals meets to hear valuation appeals.

July 1 to December 1 - Homestead Exemption Applications filing dates.

January- Dates are set by the Monroe County Commission for Board of Equalization and Review hearings. If real property assessed values increased by 10% or more of the previous year, increase notices are sent.

February 1-20 - Board of Equalization and Review meets to hear appeals of value. Contact the Monroe County Assessor's office (304-772-3096) or the Monroe County Commission Office (304-772-3096) for dates and times of meetings.

February 20 - Last day to file protest for the Boards of Assessment Appeals to be held in October. Protests are filed in writing with the Monroe County Commission, PO BOX 350. Union, WV 24983.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tax Classifications

Class II : All property owned, used and occupied by owner exclusively for resident purposes and farms, used and occupied by their owners or bona fide tenants.

Class III & IV: All real and personal Property exclusive of Class I & III situated outside of a municipality. (Class III) or within a municipality (Class IV) (rental and vacant) not used and occupied by the owner.

Estimating Real Estate & Personal Property Taxes

Appraised Value x 60% = Assessed Value

Assessed Value x Levy Rate = Taxes

Forms & Facts