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911 Center

The Monroe County 911 Center began operations in June, 1996 and has been providing the citizens of the county emergency telephone service on a continuous 24 hour basis since it's inception. We serve as a vital link between the residents, businesses, visitors and public safety agencies of Monroe County. We are committed to serving the County's emergency communications needs with integrity, cooperation and concern for the welfare of all.

911 Center Telecommunicators are the first of the first responders, providing the vital first link in the chain of public safety when handling emergency calls. The 911 Center dispatches Law Enforcement, Fire Service, and Emergency Medical Services for Monroe County, receiving an average of 85 calls a day and employing 13 dedicated employees who serve our community 7/24/365. The goal of Management and Staff of the Monroe County 911 Center is to provide immediate, courteous, and professional quality service. We strive to ensure an efficient, high-quality 9-1-1 communications system based on our standards of excellence and cooperation. Providing tele-first aid and CPR assistance when time is of the essence. This response would be impossible were it not for the many dedicated volunteers who selflessly serve the residents of the county many times at their personal expense.

Contact us for non-emergency needs (304) 772-3912

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Code Red

What is CodeRed?

CodeRed is a mass notification system used to notify county residents of an emergency situation and to provide critical community alerts.

How do I register for CodeRed?

All landlines (house phone lines) are already included in the CodeRed database. However, there are other services and notification options offered by CodeRed.

How do I know its a CodeRed call?

When CodeRed contacts you, you will see one of the following two numbers on your Caller ID along with the corresponding name:

For emergency notifications you will see 1-866-419-5000 and your Caller ID will read "Emergency Comm"
For general notifications you will see 1-855-969-4636 and your Caller ID will read "ECN Community"
We do recomend that you program these numbers into your cell phone so you will know when a CodeRed call comes through.

What are some of the other services I can sign up for?

You can sign up for CodeRed Weather Warning.

What is CodeRed Weather Warning?

CodeRed Weather Warning will alert you if you are in the direct path of an oncoming storm. Notifications will be sent out moments after a severe thunderstorm, tornado warning or flash flood warning has been issued by the National Weather Service. Only citizens in the immediate impact area will be alerted. To see a video example of this service, click here.

How do I sign up for the CodeRed Weather Warning?

To sign up for the CodeRed Weather Warning, click on the image below.


Code Red Weather Warning Image




Is there other ways for me to receive CodeRed Weather Warnings?

Yes, when you sign up it will give you the option to enter two telephone numbers. One can be your landline, the other can be your cell phone, or both can be cell phone numbers. When you enter a cell phone number at the registration page, be sure to check "Mobile" underneath the telephone number. Then select your carrior. Also, by entering your email you will also receive email notifications of these alerts.


Is there a cost for this feature?

No, CodeRed is free anyone living in Monroe County.


I am worried if I sign up, my number will get sold to other toll free companies.

Your contact information will remain private and will only be used for severe weather alerts.


Report a problem with a road sign


Report a problem with a road sign



Office of Emergency Services



911 Office


Richard Miller Richard Miller
Senior 911/OEM Director / Planning Commission Vice-President
Yvonne Davis Yvonne Davis
Contract Coordinator/Training Officer
Tammy Fox Tammy Fox
Deputy Director 911/Mapping Tech/Flood Plain
Tim Wilson Tim Wilson
911 Telecommunicator
April Andrews April Andrews
911 Telecommunicator
Jennifer Frye Jennifer Frye
911 Telecommunicator
Lisa Massey Lisa Massey
911 Telecommunicator
Heather Scott Heather Scott
911 Telecommunicator
Angel Tiller Angel Tiller
911 Telecommunicator
Jessica White Jessica White
Cain Greer Cain Greer
Kayla Payne Kayla Payne