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Kentucky Tornado Disaster Update
Posted 12/15/21
Statement from West Virginia Emergency Management Director GE McCabe :
"Our thoughts and prayers are with those impacted by the tragic
tornadoes and storms in Kentucky. West Virginia's responders
exemplify great skill and compassion, and are always ready to help in the
event they are called upon."
"Should West Virginia receive a request or requests for
assistance through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact from
Kentucky , we will immediately reach out to our response community in a
diligent effort to assemble the appropriate requested resources and
facilitate deployment as expeditiously as possible."
From Monroe Office of Emergency Management:
The WV OEM has been in direct contact with Kentucky Emergency Management group and currently are not needing materials or help. They ask that all support activities be placed on hold until after the holidays. They are currently working on warehouse resources to enable storage and facilitate distribution of materials. They are overwhelmed with support right now and this requires management also. State of WV will be coordinating these efforts through Office of Emergency Management and WVVOAD (West Virginia Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster) If you are interested in volunteering your time you can begin with volunteer to sign up. WVVOAD is compiling the list and will keep you posted on needs and progress.
Material items, will be communicated at a later date on their needs. Again, Kentucky Emergency Management will notify us when the need arises, what is needed and amount needed. Coordinating these efforts is crucial to successful outcome.
Monetary support, Please be vigilant and watch for scamming. If you have questions on this topic please contact Monroe Office of Emergency management via email [email protected] or call 540/599-1639. We will help you determine correct method to assure your intentions reach deserved recipients.